Monday, April 18, 2011


It's a Monday morning and I was having an okay time until I heard Icarus Lives! (PeteyG Remix) by Periphery. Again... "So?" you might ask. well, you may or may not know that I play in a metal band and I love metal like it is my own child. 
But now things have been turned up a notch with the introduction of drum n bass and dubstep into the world. You see, metal is awesome, but so is dubstep and DnB. And the great thing is that these three types of music all have a connection.

In the past two years or so the South African metal scene has been penetrated with dubstep. to me it seems that the metal heads can relate to the heavy, bounciness of the music. This is fucken fantastic! Everyone knows how stubborn metal heads are, so this is a major breakthrough in music.

When Bring Me The Horizon came out with Suicide Season: Cut Up, people lost their shit because now they could experience their favourite band's new album dusbteperised!

Periphery have just dropped their latest EP called Icarus Lives!. There are three remixes of the title track. The first two are pretty rave/crap, but the third. Oh the third! PeteyG's remix is one of the tastiest remixed and/or dubstep vibes I have heard in a while. And this is what has brought me so much excitement today that I was forced to write about it. 

There's a bit of a battle between the dub-hater metallers and the dub lovers. I for one am a dub over. But the majority of metal kids are pro DnB/dubstep. And I see no logical reason not to love it. More music, more people, moe heavy, more fun.

So here is the track. I hope it brings you as much joy as it has for me.


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