Friday, April 29, 2011

From Deep In The City: Newtown Knife Gang

For anyone that has been following the progress of Newtown Knife Gang, you will know that it has taken the JHB five-piece about two years to release something for their starving fans.  
I think it's safe to say that the wait was well worth it! 
Yesterday they released their debut music video for the track Listen and since then it has smashed over 17 000 hits. In one day? A pretty good response if you ask me.

The video was shot almost entirely DIY and the quality of the final cut is leagues above many local releases, so they're not just a bunch of pretty faces.  These dudes know what they want and they want it good!
The time put into this project was definitely used wisely by the look and sound of things. I for one cannot wait to see these guys destroy things on huge stages. It has been a long time coming...

Check out the video, tell everyone and catch Newtown Knife Gang the moment they hit your city.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

This is how it is…

Hey, friends. You may or may not have noticed that this week I did not post Ten Questions With A Cool Person. This is because my week has been somewhat of a busy one, and with the additional awesomeness of having no electricity due to cable theft, I could not post anything new.

I know you must be terribly upset. But I assure you that I will make up for it as I would never want to upset anyone.

But for now, here is a video of a penguin being tickled…

Monday, April 18, 2011


It's a Monday morning and I was having an okay time until I heard Icarus Lives! (PeteyG Remix) by Periphery. Again... "So?" you might ask. well, you may or may not know that I play in a metal band and I love metal like it is my own child. 
But now things have been turned up a notch with the introduction of drum n bass and dubstep into the world. You see, metal is awesome, but so is dubstep and DnB. And the great thing is that these three types of music all have a connection.

In the past two years or so the South African metal scene has been penetrated with dubstep. to me it seems that the metal heads can relate to the heavy, bounciness of the music. This is fucken fantastic! Everyone knows how stubborn metal heads are, so this is a major breakthrough in music.

When Bring Me The Horizon came out with Suicide Season: Cut Up, people lost their shit because now they could experience their favourite band's new album dusbteperised!

Periphery have just dropped their latest EP called Icarus Lives!. There are three remixes of the title track. The first two are pretty rave/crap, but the third. Oh the third! PeteyG's remix is one of the tastiest remixed and/or dubstep vibes I have heard in a while. And this is what has brought me so much excitement today that I was forced to write about it. 

There's a bit of a battle between the dub-hater metallers and the dub lovers. I for one am a dub over. But the majority of metal kids are pro DnB/dubstep. And I see no logical reason not to love it. More music, more people, moe heavy, more fun.

So here is the track. I hope it brings you as much joy as it has for me.


Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Ten Question With A Cool Person: Brendan Jack (Photographer)

With all the "photographers" out there it's hard to break through the crusty layer of happy-snappy picture takers and get to the juiciness that is good photography. Brendan Jack is at the soft centre ready to explode in and around your mouth with his fantastic work. 

I have ad the privilege of working with Brendan and he is nothing short or a gentleman and a scholar. His amazing ability to take a vague idea and turn it into a masterpiece is one that very, very few people have.
I asked his ten questions about stuff. And this is what he answered.

Chantelle loves giant balls...
Cadillac (C): Why are you a photographer?

Brandan Jack (B): Initially I just kind of stumbled into it through a graphic design course I was doing. Now it's a creative outlet and a vain attempt to elevate the standard of what people will accept as good enough. That's not to say my work is any better than anyone else's (it certainly falls far short of where I'd like it to be), it's just that there seems to be an overwhelming amount of people who are satisfied with mediocrity. I've always felt that I'd rather be told my work is shite by a viewer with high standards than be told it's fantastic by someone without.

C: Have you had any strange requests for photo shoots?

B: Not really but I suppose that's relative. I did go through a period involving mutilated teddy bears and half naked girls; actually, maybe I'll revive that...

C: What do you do when you don't take photos?

B: Some of my closest friends have referred to me as a "miserable bastard"… I prefer to see myself as "home-body". I'm usually at home hanging out with my awesome little family, watching as the mighty Arsenal repeatedly disappoint me, buying more DVDs I don't have time to watch and books I don't have time to read or editing pics. For work I handle licensing, royalties and contracts for a music and entertainment solutions company.

C: What made you decide on pin-up photography?

B: I don't know that I'd strictly call myself a pin-up photographer, even though it's something I love, but I suppose it's because of the influence of one of my favourite artist, Gil Elvgren. Also, I think the models and actresses from the '50s were lovely!

C: Do you have any other passions/ hobbies?

B: I play beach volleyball and I recently started golfball-whackery at the driving range and that's quite rad, despite the fact that I'm crap at it.

C: Tequila or bong?

B: Anyone who knows me knows how hard I don't party, that said... bong.

C: What one thing/person do you want to photograph before you die? If you ever die...

B: That's an impossible choice, but for the sake of this interview, I'll partake in this ridiculousness. The one person I would most like to photograph is Wyle E. Coyote.

C: If you could magically change from your life to someone or something else's, who would it be and any?

B: I don't know... maybe the Pope so I could put on my hat, walk out onto the balcony and tell the thronging hordes it's all make believe.

Brendan's dog/child, Frank
C: Are you a cat or dog person?

B: Dogs are better than cats. This is science. You cannot argue with science. Also, I have the best dog in the world, his name is Frank Oz the Cheese-Eating Surrender-Monkey, but we just call him Frank.

C: What is the next step in your epic plan to take on the world?

B: I plan to pull my thumb out of my bum and start shooting more regularly. Once I've got a decent collection of pics together, I'll start a new Facebook page or something. Not really a plan as much as a vague idea is it?

Keep a look out for Brendan's rereleasing of himself soon! You will not be disappointed. Especially if you like naked girls...

A pic from a shoot Brendan did with my band

Tanya having a little pants party

Thursday, April 7, 2011

I want you to meet someone...

This is my cat, Ross AKA "Night Fury". Some of you may know him, some of you may have heard of him and some of you are yet to discover his greatness.
As you can see, Ross doesn't give a fuck... and if he did, he probably wouldn't waste it on you. Or me for that matter. 

"Night Fury"
Don't be fooled by his chilled face. He will scar you for life. I have ten dogs. Really. And Ross has no fear for any of them. The dogs are well aware of his capabilities and some have suffered as a result. One day when I decide to write a novel I'll write something about my dogs.

Ross' Power
Of the ten dogs, three buck, three birds and 2 cats, Ross is ruler of all. All of the other animals respect him and know very well not to look him in the eye.
As mighty as he is, Ross' meow is faint and husky. DNA tests have shown that this is because he needs no meow as he never has to answer to anybody and his mere presence is enough for him to be in control. The power that would have been unleashed in his meow has been transferred to various parts of his body.

Surveying the place
Much like Mufasa in The Lion King, Ross likes to look out over his territory to make sure things are in shipshape. No one knows what would happen if things weren't in shipshape because all the animals are too scared to step out of line.

Ross manning it up

As you can see Ross is the boss. He keeps the phone and remotes near him. He controls all information entering or exiting the house. Because he said so.

That is who I wanted you to meet. I hope you like him. He's my homie and maybe one day he'll let you be his.


Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Ten Questions With A Cool Person: Jona Weinhofen (Bring Me The Horizon/ I Killed The Prom Queen)

Welcome to yet another installment of TQWACP. This week however, will be a little different. You see, Jona sent back the interview but left out a question and couldn't get back to me in time, so this week we'll have to do nine questions... sorry.

Jona Weinhofen is a veteran of sorts when it comes to banding. He started off with I Killed The Prom Queen in 2000. After vocalist Edward Butcher left the band in 2007, IKTPQ called it a day and it was a round then when he got offered to play for Bleeding Through, he accepted the position and rocked on. Then in '09 Curtis Ward of Bring Me The Horizon gave up his position i the band leaving yet a space to be filled. Jona was invited to fill in for a while and ended up becoming a permanent member.

Much to my delight, I Killed The Prom Queen have announced that they are back! Jona is now manning 2 positions playing for IKTPQ and BMTH, which is pretty damn impressive if you ask me.
This is what he had to say!

Cadillac (C): Coolest place to play - Australia, USA or Britain?

Jona (J): There are cool places to play all over the world but they're all cool for different reasons. For example; we have great shows in places like Chicago, LA, New York and Detroit in the USA, but I've also played great shows in Manchester, London in the UK and I love touring everywhere in Australia. If I had to compare all three I'd say Australia is my favourite. Its my home country, I love it and miss it and it is great to see so many friends when I tour there.

C: What was your first tattoo?

J: A dagger on my shoulders that appears to cut through my neck which I got done when I was 19.

C: Is it still visible? 

J: Yep, and I still love it!

C: What is the best vegan meal you have ever had?

J: There have been too many. But at the moment my favourite place to eat is the Veggie Grill in Southern California. Its an all vegan burger place which also serves meals like mac 'n cheese and cakes. Their Santa Fe crispy chicken burger is mindblowing!

C: What is usually the first thing you do in your free time?

J: Check my email and Facebook! How boring is that? I also like riding my bike on tour and watching Star Trek Voyager and other nerdy tv shows.

C: You've done stints all over the world as a guitarist. What bands do/did you enjoy playing in most?

J: I have thoroughly enjoyed my time in all 3 bands. They have all had their ups and downs but I've learnt a great deal from all 3 bands and wouldn’t trade my time with any of them for anything in the world!

C:  What did you tell your teachers you'd be when you grow up?

J: Probably a rockstar or entertainer of some kind. Haha. How fitting! I don’t think they believed I would be successful. I went to a fairly shitty school where the teachers didn’t appear to care too much about the students. If only they could see where I'm at now and that I had the last laugh!

C: What do you love most about what you do?

J: I love travelling and I love that I get to play guitar for a living to people who actually love my music and performances! I also love that I have met really cool people all over the world and am proud to say I have close friends in almost every country I've been to. If I ever wanted to travel there independently I'd have people to hang out with and stay with.

C: What will you do when you're too old to tour?

J: Probably manage bands or book tours. I've already done both part time whilst playing in bands and it’s a natural progression I can see myself going into. I still have a few years left in me yet though!

You read it! Check out I Killed The Prom Queen and Bring Me The Horizon's websites/ social media sites to keep up with all the happenings. Until then, Enjoy the videos!
