Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Ten Questions With A Cool Person: Fabian Sing (CrashCarBurn)

Since the start of TQWACP things have been going swimmingly! I have been lucky enough to chat to some fantastic people! I wish I could release everything in one go, but then you'd have nothing to be excited for, right? I just thought I'd share my excitement with you.

This week I had a little chat to a local cool person. Fabian Sing of the awesome CrashCarBurn. Being a friend of mine, I know first hand how awesome this dude is. And that is why I bring him to you, so you can learn how awesome he is for yourselves! Although I do have a slight grudge against him... I auditioned for CCB a long time ago and never got the part. Oh well. I suppose that's a good things because then I wouldn't be able to interview him. Yes! 

This is what we got chatting about.

C: So you not-so-recently but not too long ago joined CrashCarBurn. How has it been?

FS: It's been really good. Not a massive change though, as I've been involved with CrashCarBurn in varying roles over the last few years.

C: Those who know you know that you like yourself a good party. What three things do you need for a good party?

FS: 1: A location. 2: An open mind. 3: A personality.

C: Complete the sentence. Fabian Sing is...

FS: a geek.

C: I have come to the conclusion that bass is exactly like guitar, but different. What is your opinion on this?

FS: I think it depends greatly on the genre of music. For example, in pop/rock music the bass should follow what the drums do very closely and solidify the rhythm section. In that respect it is more percussive than the "melodic" guitar. In genres like jazz, ska and surf rock the bass tends to play more rolling bass lines which work in between what the drums and guitar do. Then on the opposite end you get genres like dubstep and drum and bass, where the bass is central to the music. I suppose that would be more a bass synth though, but you didn't specify whether it was bass "guitar". :)

C: Touché! Tequila or bong?

FS: Tequila.

C: What is your favourite place in SA?

FS: Johannesburg.

C: If you could be anyone, who would you be?

FS: Myself 10 years ago... but with all of the knowledge that I possess today.

C: What is one band you have to see before they end?

FS: Blink 182.

C: I'm with you on that one. What is your favourite dish?

FS: Noodles!

C: Seeing as the world is going to end next year, what is one thing you have to do before then?

FS: Go on a holiday :)

Look out for next week's interview dropping on Wednesday (16th). amped!

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