Thursday, June 19, 2014

I Promised Myself I'd Write Today

Here I sit in front of a blank screen while Facebook is down, hindering me from work. I'm not too upset about that at in the slightest... I kind of hope it never comes back.

So, writing, hey? It's something I've always loved but lost grip of a long time ago. That, and drawing. Both of which I have slowly been working on again.
Creativity makes life so much more exciting. The things you can add to a blank screen or clean sheet of paper are endless. If it's in your mind you can put it there. 

At the risk of boring you with my theories, I'll write something. I'm not sure what it is or what it's about yet, but we'll see when I'm done, right?


I like writing about people. Not in a skinnery, nonsensical way, just as observation.
We are fucking interesting things. We have brains that we think with, most of the time, and hearts that we feel with. You can't feel your heart, but so much comes from there.

We listen to music. Arrangements of noises put together to create something that we enjoy so damn much. I can't imagine what kind of world we would live in if we hadn't discovered music. Again, some of it brings weird feelings in our hearts, the place where you don't feel physically, but you feel. 

We write blog posts fueled by flu medication and lack of sleep, hoping people in the world will read them. Throw a link out and see what happens. It could be something great, it could be something pointless. They'll only know once they get to the end, if they haven't stopped already...

We make irrational decisions - "If you don't try you won't know". We're adventurers! Well, some of us. To others adventures and experiences are scary and they would rather stay where they are comfortable. Not that there's anything wrong with that, but with a world of places and people what's not to adventure?

We create. We make things, we use our imaginations to interpret what we feel and experience and make them into tangible things that we share with the world. Some people get it, others don't. None of our minds are the same. 

I think as shit as the human race can and has been at times, we are smarter than we allow ourselves to believe. It starts with your mind, once you can master that, there's no stopping you.

Let's discover.

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