Monday, June 16, 2014

It's What Makes You You.

I promised myself I'd write more. But recently I've had so much on my mind I haven't been able to pin one thing down for long enough to think about. I also think I've started too many posts with "I promised myself I'd write more" or something like that...

Basically, I have recently learned a whole lot about myself as a human and about humans in general.
For a long time I lived as part of a unit. It's something we all eventually want no matter how much anyone may deny it. There will inevitably come a time that you will feel like there's something that's just not making things as great as they could be. Having said that, that thing could be a pet, a hobby, learning something new or even getting rid of something old. Just something.

Having been a lone ranger as of late, I've been exposed to so many new feelings, situations and lessons. Some great, some scary but mostly all new. I have discovered who the important people really are. You'd be surprised where they come from. Some have always been there and I never really gave them the time to let them be there. Others are completely new. People that I had met along the way who showed who they truly are form the start.
Anyway, to the point. This is not meant to be an emo, bluesy post. It's really a list of great lessons I have picked up about us as people through some of my recent experiences. They may not all apply to you, but they all exist.

It's what makes you you.

We're great people. We have our doubts, but they are our doubts. Just because we have them it doesn't mean they exist to others. Those things make us the people others love. No one is perfect, no one is right.
No matter how confused, hurt or alone we might feel, there is always an answer. Our thoughts are our only fears and we are the ones scaring ourselves.

We are beautiful. We all have at least one thing we don't like about ourselves. But that's just what we we don't like. Those things are someone else's favourite things, and if we didn't have them they wouldn't be able to be appreciated. Beauty is merely a matter of perspective.

New things are scary. Think of how many things we've done for the first time that we were once scared of before. We can do it. We have done it.

We are talented. There's that one thing that we can do that someone will completely adore and appreciate to the ends of the world. It's that thing that you're so good at that people are in awe of every time they see you do it.

Why are we sorry? We don't need to apologise to anyone for the way we feel or the things we say. Unless they are silly, hurtful things that were in the heat of the moment, then, yes, apologise. You shouldn't feel sorry for your decisions. What's right for you won't always be right for someone else. 

We often forget to take care of ourselves. We worry about the wellbeing of others, and that is great because we care, but we need to direct more of that towards ourselves. Sharing is caring, but you can also share with yourself :)

We make someone happy. Whether it's just by being able to spend time with us or being the love of someone's life, we make someone happy somehow. It's the happiness that counts.

There will be tears. I'll be the first to admit that few things take some weight off your shoulders like a good, hard, wailing cry session. Let it out.
I believe that the smiles always outweigh the tears, even when they feel like they don't. We remember the cries because they hurt more. We must remember more smiles. 

We have each other. It's the people we spend our time with that make it all worth it. With the right mix of good people and good vibes there is nothing that can go wrong. We uplift each other through our laughs, our stories and our consumption of substances. 

As different as we all are, we all have our simple needs and comforts in our personal life. I have learnt that by respecting each person's way of living, they too will accept you. At times we may not agree, but we still understand each other because we're all people. People are awesome. We are interesting, we are individual and we are exactly who we need to be. 

We will feel down and out sometimes, but there is always a pocket of happiness that we know will make us feel better. 

Here is a photo of a sleeping cat.

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