I try so hard to be constant with this whole blog thing. But I struggle, I don't know why... But I'll keep trying!
Time to rant!
I was watching Carte Blanche on Sunday night and they had an insert on South Africans living in New Zealand. And while most of you are imagining how awesome it would be to live outside of SA, by the look of things, living in New Zealand, or anywhere else seems shit...
Granted South Africa isn't the safest place to live, but that's something we just have to live with, it's something we all grew up with. Moving because of the high crime rate isn't an excuse if you ask me. We're all just as likely to be affected, yet we can't all move away.
Anyway, on the show people explain their stories about how difficult it is moving over, and statistics are spat at you about how people can't find jobs, blah, blah. All of that left me to think, "Why are you doing this to yourselves?"
People move overseas with this mindset that the grass is greener, meanwhile, the grass is pretty much the same, if not less green… These people go quite far out of their way to feel at home because they miss SA and their families etc. Meanwhile, back at the plaas, everyone's happy as pigs in shit, living the lives they're used to.
I don't want to go on too much, because I'll just complain about how these people are way less happy living a "new" but not much better life. I just don't understand why people don't just move cites or provinces. I highly doubt that the baddies will follow you to your next home. At least you'll be familiar with the people around you, and you won't have to work the jobs most South Africans look down on.
Life is what you make of it, and if you're even less happy in the making of your new life, then did you need such a drastic change in the first place?
So, to all you lovely ex-pats. Grow some balls! We're here living the dream, dealing with life and doing our thing with smiles on our faces, while you struggle to build a new one.