This is one of the most amazing things I have heard in a very long while...
According to one Pat Robertson (who is the founder of a whole lot of organisations such as Christian Broadcasting Network, The Christian Coalition, and more), Haiti has been punished throughout history, because it belongs to the devil. I know...
A brief history on Haiti: They were once ruled by the French.
Mr Robertson; "They got together, and swore a pact to the devil, they said; 'We will serve you, if you get us free from the French.' True story. So the devil said; 'Okay, it's a deal!'". Thus the Haitians revolted against the French, became a free nation, but were eternal servants of the devil.
And this, according to Pat Robertson, is the reason why they are such a poor nation and that too, is why the country was ravaged by an earthquake.
You see, I would blame the government and lack of tourism infrastructure etc. The Dominican Republic shares the island Haiti is on, so why wouldn't people just go on holiday to Haiti, rather than the Dominican Republic? Oh yes, it is cursed by Satan...
Before I go on, I don't want to come across as a God hating dude. After all, I still spell his name with a capital G.
In this day and age, people are finally learning how to think for themselves. Which is awesome, we're finally evolving into a smarter being. How is it that it has taken us thousands of years of religious battles and oppression, and retarded governmental systems to realise that you can do what you want?
I realise I'm going on to no point, but here it is.
How can some guy, who is so christian, who rakes in cash because of his christian business' and organisations, blame the devil, who he has no real way of proving is real, for destroying a nation. After all, as far as I know, an earthquake falls under the category "Act of God".
It disappoints me that people like this, assume a position of being correct. If I said; "No Mr Pat, I honestly believe that the positioning of the island over a fault line is the cause of such a tragic disaster." I honestly think he would challenge me. And for a man of his age and knowledge, he should at least be able to think a little more rationally.
I know many of my friends might disagree on my point of view, but I know you'll respect my opinion. If you don't, then you're an idiot. And I'm not sorry.
Planet Earth! Think before you speak! Or at least read up on things a little.
Please place your donations in the basket and pass on.
Cadillac, out.
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