I don't even know why I have a blog.
Maybe I was peer pressured into it. But by who? I have no reason to really have thins. I could write about things I think are cool. But who cares? I'm so not cool.
People are funny on blogs, I guess. They talk about things that they've experienced, so I guess I could do that. Come to think of it they have probably thought all of these things too. But who am I to assume such a thing? Perhaps they have it all figured out and that's why people read their posts and look forward to every installment.
My spelling isn't even that good.
I moved to Cape Town, I could write about that. I hope I used that comma correctly. Life's just going, bru. I always seem to be doing someting but t the same time I'm also doing a lot of nothing. So it's not like I have an excuse not to "blog" more. What a silly words too. Blog. Blog.
We tweet the silliest things. It's awesome, but why do we do it? I love it though. But why?
Funny thing. I was at this point that I stopped to tweet about how I have no idea what I'm doing and I received confirmation on this very subject. Thanks Leigh!
Okay. So now that I know that at east one other person has thought this, why am I ever writing about this?
Maybe I'll find my"path through life on the internet. But do I even need one at all? Why do we do this?