Friday, November 19, 2010
A Skate Regeneration
Anyway, my dear friend and second half of my monster guitar duo Chase posted this video the other day, and it's awesome!
As teenagers, all boys go through a skating phase. Sometimes that phase comes back, especially with the invention of Skate for Xbox and PlayStation…
This is a short film that shows the awesomeness that this sport has evolved to. Not only is it a good show of skateboarding, but I think it's a brilliant piece of film.
Monday, November 15, 2010
Some Of My Writing
Have fun!
Are You Online?
Technology these days has become extreme to the point that people struggle to even live without it. Basic appliances aside, if you’re not changing your Facebook status, you’re Tweeting about your day or BBMing your buddies all in between driving, meetings, eating and sleeping. What happened to conversation? What once was an art form has been chucked out the window like dirty dish water.
We remember the days when there were office numbers, and there were home numbers. Home numbers were reserved for emergencies or to call your mother while you were out of town. Now we have a civilisation of people that have no real divide between work and play other than the places they go. They have at least a thousand friends on Facebook and Tweet about how well their new protein diet is going, just in case anyone was wondering. “This new mix is killa! Just had a heavy ab sesh, looking buff. TGIF Look out ladeez!”
What once were faxes that could only be sent to your office are now emails
that can be sent to your cell phone, the same phone that serves as your work number and your home number. The phone that you’ll use to check your Facebook page while you have a shit, because the Internet is faster than looking for a decent read… You can even get your emails sent to your TV! We’re all trying to live minimalistic lives, but how can we differentiate between minimalist and lazy?
Holidays have become semi-work trips, because someone might just call you for something. We all asking someone to do something for you is easier than doing it yourself. Besides, we already have enough of our own problems, right?
As with most things, there are some advantages to the whole social networking phenomenon. It’s a pretty good way of finding out what that chick you hooked up with last night actually looks like. You’ll most probably find pictures from any mood or occasion, so it’s a pretty good round up. But on the other hand, you could receive an email telling you that “it’s over” because she doesn’t know how else to tell you. And we thought sms break-ups were cheap.
Just when you thought grown-ups were bad, there’s a new breed of “I want that now” kids who will make their parent’s lives a living hell unless they don’t buy their kid the newest 3D, HD, nano-technogical communication device. Instead of hanging out at their charna’s house, they’ll stay home alone and stay logged onto MXit, just in case something exciting happens or their mother texts them to go outside for lunch. And the parents complain that their kids are fat…
When conversations do occasionally break, there will most likely be something about some dude’s lame status update, or the embarrassing pic someone was tagged in. It’s a vicious cycle that has trapped us like flies in a jar. Is it too late to escape? Is it even possible to regain enough intellect to strike up a conversation about something relevant or meaningful? Everyone knows that everyone’s “good, hey”, and that “work’s fine, just a bit hectic”, and that the girlfriend is “doing well”. But believe it or not, there are way cooler things to talk about.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Go on, leave!
I try so hard to be constant with this whole blog thing. But I struggle, I don't know why... But I'll keep trying!
Time to rant!
I was watching Carte Blanche on Sunday night and they had an insert on South Africans living in New Zealand. And while most of you are imagining how awesome it would be to live outside of SA, by the look of things, living in New Zealand, or anywhere else seems shit...
Granted South Africa isn't the safest place to live, but that's something we just have to live with, it's something we all grew up with. Moving because of the high crime rate isn't an excuse if you ask me. We're all just as likely to be affected, yet we can't all move away.
Anyway, on the show people explain their stories about how difficult it is moving over, and statistics are spat at you about how people can't find jobs, blah, blah. All of that left me to think, "Why are you doing this to yourselves?"
People move overseas with this mindset that the grass is greener, meanwhile, the grass is pretty much the same, if not less green… These people go quite far out of their way to feel at home because they miss SA and their families etc. Meanwhile, back at the plaas, everyone's happy as pigs in shit, living the lives they're used to.
I don't want to go on too much, because I'll just complain about how these people are way less happy living a "new" but not much better life. I just don't understand why people don't just move cites or provinces. I highly doubt that the baddies will follow you to your next home. At least you'll be familiar with the people around you, and you won't have to work the jobs most South Africans look down on.
Life is what you make of it, and if you're even less happy in the making of your new life, then did you need such a drastic change in the first place?
So, to all you lovely ex-pats. Grow some balls! We're here living the dream, dealing with life and doing our thing with smiles on our faces, while you struggle to build a new one.
Sunday, July 25, 2010
The People You Love Like Your Family But Aren't...

Okay, to some this may serve as an explanation. But it's nothing like that at all, so take it as you will.
Life makes some dramatic changes. Changes that can affect your life without you even knowing. And no one is entirely to blame for that, it just happens...
Once you get your first real job things change too fast for you to even notice. Time disappears, days become a blur and your nights are the only thing you have left. And this is where shit gets strange for some people.
When your timeless blurry day ends, you get home and you collapse onto your bed and just hang. It's a good feeling, right? The feeling of nothingness. Ah, too cool! And after your crappy day, you want nothing more to relax. And why shouldn't you?
Some people find no understanding in why others would not want to go out and rather just stay in. Don't get me wrong, I love partying, and I'd do it every night if I could. But firstly, no one has to party all the time. Secondly, nights are most people's only free time. And finally, some would rather blow the money on something they can remember. There are the odd occasions where one will let loose and go all out, and everyone needs to do that once in a while.
Now that we have that cleared up, I move on to my real point. Sorry to keep you waiting, but you saw how long the text was...
We all have a bunch of friends that we love like our family. It could be two, it could be 50, but we all have them. And sharing time between your x-amount of friends, work, family, partners etc it becomes hard to please everyone. And once again, that's no one's fault. For instance, I have friends that I'll see once every month or two. And it's not because they live far, or I don't enjoy their company. It's because I can't. But I love those friends. In fact, if they weren't my friends, my life would suck pretty hard. I'm sure/ I hope they understand why we don't see each other every night or weekend.
We're becoming adults. It's sad but true. Although I'll always consider myself a boy, I am becoming an adult. And no matter how shit it is, it has to be done. This is where the issue of time and friendship lies.
To be brutally honest, a real friend will understand that each person has their own life. They have their own way of dealing with things, their own way of managing their time and their own way of deciding when to party. And if you can't understand that, then you need to re-evaluate your situation. Selfishness will get you nowhere.
I have dealt with such issues recently, and I'm sure some people who read this will understand what I mean and understand that no matter what, I'll still love them. And if others are offended by it, then fine, be lame.
If this entry makes any sense to you at all, I'll be happy. I suppose all I really want to say is - if you can't let other people live their own lives, you can't live yours.
To my friends, I love you no matter how much of a dickhead you can be. So deal with it.
Monday, June 28, 2010
Too much of happiness!
The World Cup. Wow, what an experience. This is the happiest South Africa has been in a very long time. It just concerning to see what might happen when the World Cup leaves our shores. But that's another post all together.
I hit up the Indawo fan-park at St Stithians last night to watch Argentina vs Mexico. It was pretty awesome to say the least. Just Jinger were playing when we arrived, and I don't exactly love them, but it was awesome to see someone else other than the Parlotones for a change. Although, it would have been so fitting for them to play seeing as Germany assaulted England.
So anyway, we got in, it was rad, cool vibes, vuvuzelas blasting, people dancing. As I came to a stop at my desired stage viewing point, I looked to my right and saw two guys who were so fucken drunk they could hardly stand alone, but you could see they were having a party... The one guy was wearing an England football jersey, and he had his arm around another guy (who was even more drunk) wearing a Germany jersey. They were singing along to Just Jinger, so amped about Germany winning, and just having a partying like it was new year's eve or something.
They call it "the beautiful game". While I agree totally, it's even more beautiful seeing tow enemies (in most cases) arm in arm, having the time of their lives.
I'm at work, so I can't rant on too much, but I thought this was really cool. I wanted to party with the German and the English dude. SO if anyone likes to watch the football, Italy is out, so I need a new team to support. Or at least a team to party with.
Anyone keen?
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Sorry, guys
Firstly, apoligies for being silent, I'm not too sure who I'm apologising to as I'm sure no one checks this blog religiously... yet.
But the past few months have been strange. I can't explain why haven't posted, I just haven't...
In returning, I bring you a link to a blog that I feel a lot of you need to read. A blog that will tell you what it think's of you. And most importantly, a blog that loves vuvuzelas.
I will bring you more posts this evening, as I'm sure my boss(es) won't be too happy with me blogging rather than working.
Click the link below, the truth lies there.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
My New Word…
We all have great sparks of genius now and then… But I think the last one I had was a little more than genius!
Driving up Empire road near Milpark Hospital, I looked up at the SABC builing and I happened to look at it when we were at a strange angle to the building. (For those you you who don't know, the SABC tower is an L-shaped building.) It made the building look like an illusion of sorts. And it was at this moment that a word popped up in my head. Optically-illusional... Yes, an adjective used to describe something that looks like an optical illusion… It makes complete sense! I think this is a valid word. I have sent in a request to Oxford to add the word to the dictionary.
Think about it…
Sunday, March 7, 2010

Firstly, apologies for my posts being few and far between. But I'm sure my massive army of seven followers won't mind...
Now, RAMfest! Holy shit! I have to start by saying Dawid (the organiser of RAMfest), is a saint. Never have I attended a show or festival where things ran so smoothly. It takes a lot of skill to pull that off. Let's not forget to thank Dawie for bringing out Pendulum and letting them smash our faces. I've never danced so hard in my life!
Section 1: RAMfest, Worcester.
I love traveling to the Western Cape. Although it's a poes long trip in the car or the train, the scenery and destination is totally worth the it.
So we hit the train down to Worcester, which is our usual mode of transport to RAMfest. Last year it was pretty much just Facing the Gallows and The Dead Will Tell on the train. This year there were a shit load more! All thanks to Henk (ek weet nie jou van nie, jammer). He put together a sweet deal where you got a train ticket from Joburg to RAMfest and back, along with a nice little goodie back of party items. I'm just going to say, the train trip was crazy.
RAMfest was on another level. It was by far the best festival I've been to in this country! I said that about RAMFest last year, so you must imagine how it was this year.
It amazes me how many awesome people go to RAMfest. At other festivals there's always a bunch of wankers who think they're the shit and ruin everyone's weekend. Not RAMfest. Everyone is friends with everyone,. whether they know you or not. I hope a lot of people learn from that.
As well as seeing all my friends from Cape Town, it's always awesome to see your friends from home in a completely new environment. It's almost like going on a family holiday, just nowhere near as chilled.
I'm finding it so hard to express how amazing the festival was. Just ask around. Maybe someone else can try explain it for me. Feel free to use the comment box to tell me your experience of RAMfest.
Section 2: RAMfest, Joburg.
So I'm almost 24, and yesterday was the first time I have ever been to a concert at Emmerentia. If you see me you can slap me... It was pretty awesome that the time I finally went was one of the biggest.
Once again a million thank you's to Dawid for single handedly owning Joburg. For a first time "trial" concert, I think he didn't do too bad at all. A lot of people bitches about the lack of beer and food etc, but how do you cater for an event that you have organised for the first time and have no idea what turnout to expect? I don't blame them at all.
10 000 people at Emmerantia is insane! Although somewhat damaging to the environment, it was still crazy.
Once again, seeing friends from near and far was amazing. It makes me happy to see all of your faces. YOU make my life great!
Section 3: Lark and Boo!
Wow, two groups that have left permanent marks in South African music history. Few bands, if any, have given as much inspiration to local musicians that Lark or Boo!
Watching Inge Beckmann sing is like being put into another state of mind. It's almost like you can't move. "She's like a siren", said my great friend Gump. And she is. She lures you towards the stage and traps you there, and you can't move until she stops. It's impossible not to fall in love with her. Untouchable.
Then you have Chris Chameleon. A true performer. If anyone knows how to feed off a crowd, it's this man! At first glance you think, what the fuck? But when you hear his vocal range and how well he plays his bass, all you can do is bounce to the music. I can't not dance if Boo! play. It's impossible!
I know a lot of people who would disagree with what I say about Lark and Boo!, but come one, where's your creative mind!?
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Hi, I'm Ricki.

Hi. My name is Ricki. Well, actually, Riccardo-Mario. But my friends call me Cadillac. My mother is Italian and my father is Swiss. Ciao, Hoi!
At the moment, I have eleven dogs, a cat called Ross, a cockatoo and two devil birds. I live at home with my parents.
I have an amazing girlfriend named Indianna. She listens to indie music, loves to paint and is terrified of bum sharks… I love her very much. I also have a brother called Fabio. He has our grandmothers name tattooed on his arm.
I love all of my friends, I couldn’t ask for better ones. We have the most fun when we play Pro Evo soccer on Xbox and things get tense. It once made me punch my friend Ray. Sorry dude.
I play in a metal band called Facing the Gallows. My dad doesn’t really like it but my mom just knows I’m having fun, so that’s okay. I also play in an Afrikaans band called Die Hiernamaals, which means “the afterlife”, but not in the dark and evil kind of way. I’m still working on being a real rock star though.
I’ve been playing guitar for just over ten years now. And I don’t ever see myself stopping. I enjoy writing about things. I run a blog that I don’t update as much as I’d like to, but whenever I do, I like to make it somewhat entertaining. After all, I’m writing down my thoughts, so if people are going to read them, I need to write them in a way that they can relate to.
I drive a 1992 VW Fox, which I call “The Arctic Fox”, because it’s white and, well… cool. To be honest, I think it’s a bit too small for me. But if I could fit its boot onto any other car, I would. It’s huge! It fits my guitar amp, cab, 2 guitars, a bag, my binnet up front, what more could a man ask for?
I enjoy staying up late watching documentaries. I’ve learnt the most amazing things from them, like how steel wool is made…ask me. I also love watching movies that make me think. And I always pick up hidden messages in the sets and scenes, I love spotting continuity fuck ups.
It is a fact that I change my facebook status more than any of my other friends. But they all start conversations, so it can’t be that bad, right?
I’m more scared of parktown prawns than anything else.
When I was in high school, I played waterpolo for Gauteng. I was in really good shape back then. Now I just keep telling myself that I must start again, I just never do. I still wear the red Speedo.
I think we should be allowed to have naps from 12 to 3 every day like they do in Europe. I think everyone would be less stressed and less tired if we did. I could eat pizza everyday. Literally.
Being half Italian, I make awesome pasta, even if I don’t really know what I’m doing, I have Jamie’s tenacity and Ramsay’s foul mouth. I’m a coffee kind of guy. I drink tea most of the time though. I don’t get it either. My favorite cereal is and always will be strawberry pops. I used to love chomps, but I once ate a whole packet of the small ones, but I got really sick, and now I can’t stand the sight of one.
When I was younger, I was walking with a broken umbrella stick, and I tripped. When I landed, the stick stabbed me just behind my right ear. If it were half a centimeter left or right, I may have died. Now I just have a circular scar behind me ear.
I’m a cat person.
I also tend to get naked a lot… There’s always that one naked guy. That’s me! But most of the time, after a few minutes, everyone else joins me. Some of my friends’ moms have seen my naked. I think they were pretty impressed.
I feel really sorry for Stephen Hawking, I think he really would have liked to dance on the “boomdiada” song on discovery channel…
I enjoy rain, especially when it’s that constant light rain. It does make my hair frizzy though.
So far, that’s me… Over time you will learn more. If you like what you see, then be my friend! Why not?
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Haiti Belongs To Satan... Apparently.

This is one of the most amazing things I have heard in a very long while...
According to one Pat Robertson (who is the founder of a whole lot of organisations such as Christian Broadcasting Network, The Christian Coalition, and more), Haiti has been punished throughout history, because it belongs to the devil. I know...
A brief history on Haiti: They were once ruled by the French.
Mr Robertson; "They got together, and swore a pact to the devil, they said; 'We will serve you, if you get us free from the French.' True story. So the devil said; 'Okay, it's a deal!'". Thus the Haitians revolted against the French, became a free nation, but were eternal servants of the devil.
And this, according to Pat Robertson, is the reason why they are such a poor nation and that too, is why the country was ravaged by an earthquake.
You see, I would blame the government and lack of tourism infrastructure etc. The Dominican Republic shares the island Haiti is on, so why wouldn't people just go on holiday to Haiti, rather than the Dominican Republic? Oh yes, it is cursed by Satan...
Before I go on, I don't want to come across as a God hating dude. After all, I still spell his name with a capital G.
In this day and age, people are finally learning how to think for themselves. Which is awesome, we're finally evolving into a smarter being. How is it that it has taken us thousands of years of religious battles and oppression, and retarded governmental systems to realise that you can do what you want?
I realise I'm going on to no point, but here it is.
How can some guy, who is so christian, who rakes in cash because of his christian business' and organisations, blame the devil, who he has no real way of proving is real, for destroying a nation. After all, as far as I know, an earthquake falls under the category "Act of God".
It disappoints me that people like this, assume a position of being correct. If I said; "No Mr Pat, I honestly believe that the positioning of the island over a fault line is the cause of such a tragic disaster." I honestly think he would challenge me. And for a man of his age and knowledge, he should at least be able to think a little more rationally.
I know many of my friends might disagree on my point of view, but I know you'll respect my opinion. If you don't, then you're an idiot. And I'm not sorry.
Planet Earth! Think before you speak! Or at least read up on things a little.
Please place your donations in the basket and pass on.
Cadillac, out.
Job Hunting... The Joy
Job hunting is a strange thing. It's like asking your mom if you can sleep at your friends house when you're ten... You feel embarrassed when you get denied, so you run away and sulk. Well, ok, maybe not so bad. None of the running away and sulking. But it leaves you with a feeling of slight rejection, until you find the next one and come up with another clever way of twisting the employers arm to get yourself in there. Then, you do it all over again!
I'm still trying, hard! So I thought I'd let everyone know... I will let you know if anything materialises.