Wow! I'll be honest now and say I never really heard Have Heart and Shipwreck AD before they came out here... And at Cool Runnings last Thursday, I asked Myself, why the hell didn't I ever hear this before??
I have never heard such powerful, epic, emotional and meaningful music in my entire life. I'm talking Dashboard Confessional deep... At one point of Have Heart's set, I had goosebumps all over My body! I've never, ever had that before...
I can't exactly find the words to express how insane the shows were. Those bands managed to touch every nerve. They get you feeling happy to all emo in about a minute and a half, and you're standing at the edge of the pit about to have an emotional breakdown, then you realise you're at a hardcore show, and it just wouldn't be manly to cry. "No ous, I wasn't crahying, ah. The'z just heavy smoke in yah, ah!"
Please, do yourself a favour. If you haven't properly listened to a Have Heart song, like actually put it on and just lay on the couch or on your bed, with the volume at a moderate level, and just listen.
If you feel nothing, you're heartless. I'm sorry.
Chat later!
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