Here's a breakdown of what happened on the greatest tour of all time...
It was the weekend 14 - 16 August 2009. A weekend that changed many lives. It was the weekend that Pestroy, along with Facing the Gallows and five champion friends Staab, Craig, Pete, Fabian and the great Heavy G destroyed The Red Door in Pietermaritzburg and Burn in Durban...
It started early on the morning of the 14th, with packing and coffee and a few other things to help wake us up... We eventually hit the road with the DVD players in the cars displaying generous amounts of porn to keep passengers entertained. Along with a few other things to keep passengers entertained... We eventually found The Red Door. It was from this point on when things started going downhill. We set up our gear, raced to the back packers, all agreed on pizza as well as a few other things to aid us with the eating of pizza...
It was show time, we hit it off with FtG opening for Pestroy. New assholes were torn. Nuff said.
It was time to party, many a litre of Jagermeister were had, many a shooter ere downed, as well as a few other things to aid us in partying.
We eventually got kicked out, or just left, I cant remember. So we headed on back to the backpackers, where most went to sleep after having a thing or two to wid in rest. While others stayed up to instigate a ruckus or two by waking up all the birds in the neighbourhood or merely antiquing the passed out drunk people.
Morning broke, along with the groans of the hung over ones. Some had tea, some had coffee as well as other things to aid us in waking up. Off to Durban where we were scheduled to bring even more noise! And so we did, after a semi chilled afternoon where darts were played, the beach was visited, drinks and food were had, as well as a few other things to aid in the killing of time.
From the Durban back packers, to dinner, to back packers, to Burn.
Burn: Called so after the burning sensation you get in your calves and knees after carrying gear up the 4 flights of stairs...
SO the bands played, as they do. Then the party started! Once again, drinks were had, shooters were shot and a few other things were had to aid in the partying. The dance floor was owned as well as the upstairs bar and roof top patio thing.
Some dick started turning the light's on as a rude attempt to get us out of the place. So as good gentlemen, we did. Off to the back packers again! Were some slept while others had some things to keep them awake for a bi longer before setting out into the main road to moon and flip the bird at innocent drivers at around 4am. Once that got old, which to be honest, it never got old, we set off to sleep... Not after waking everyone up and somehow ending up in fits of hysterics that lasted about 30 minutes.
It was the end, all the was left to do was drive home....
It is safe to say that this tour was one of the best weekends of my life... Ever! And I'm sure at least 14 other guys will agree with me.
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