Maybe I'm trippin', but when I scroll through my Twitter feed I see high school.
I see cool kids, I see "nerds", I see the smarty pants, I see cliques, I see cool kids, I see passive-aggressive comments aimed at "friends" and frenemies alike.
I often think to myself, "I'm almost 30, most of the people I interact with are aged between mid 20s to mid 30s and everyone still acts so silly". I find more people having arguments about stupid things rather than just having an unbiased, open conversation. It's all about how much more right one person can be or how hard they can school you for being wrong, well,in their eyes at least.
Why can't we just talk and teach each other lessons without having to come off better than the other person for being so "intellectual"?
Sometimes I feel like people are too scared to share their thoughts because other people might aggressively question them and attack them for thinking what they do. I know I do. It's so easy to be a tough cat on the internet, but why would you want to be? Everyone is fighting for equality but no one wants to treat people equally on an intellectual level.
Just a thought - What if we actually spoke to each other instead of questioned each other? Reading someone's tone online is damn near impossible. But less use of exclamation marks and strategic caps can change a lot.
Maybe I'm overthinking this, but we need to learn how to talk to each other properly.
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