Sunday, February 15, 2015

It's Happy Time!

I don't know what took me so long, but I finally feel like I have a better understanding of life. Okay it happened a few months ago. Now not to say I know the meaning of it, or my purpose, but I know that what makes me happy is happiness. In every form possible. 

It differs for everyone, but it's there. Life can be kak like, really kak at times. I get that, so before anyone says "ah, but like, you don't consider other peoples' situation, man"; just woah, bru. Of course I do, it would be stupid not to. Your situation could be completely awesome or it could be completely horrible, but there is something there that will lift you up and make you happy even if it's just for a moment. 

Okay, if you watched that video, I realise it looks like a hashtag campaign with help from a major corporation. So what, that's not the point. The point is that it's a simple concept and it exists off line too – just make shit rad. This kid has made a difference in my life in the message he spreads. Just be rad and radness will spread.

*Why complain about how shit a band is, rather say how awesome a band you love is. It will probably make a better difference in that a lot of people are more likely to agree with you on that, and in turn, create a happy conversation that is more pleasurable for everyone to scroll past and enjoy themselves.
*That instance was not taken from a particular instance, it is just the easiest to explain.

Let people be happy for their things and be happy for yours. Why do anything else? There's really no point. People will always stick up for you and have your back in tough situations. Being more positive in general just makes it easier for other people to do that. It's how we get to know each other. We may be a bunch of randoms on the internet or a new group of friends, we just need to be "co-people" - some movie I can't remember right now. 

Take this post for what you want. It just made me happy to put it out there. You decided to read it, so decide what you do with it from here on out. 

In close, check this out too. The dude makes sense. 

Stay awesome and #MakeItHappy.


  1. Awesome piece

    People on social media has made it a thing to be negative about other peoples believes/hobbies & opinions, which at the end of the day just makes the rest of us negative for no reason. I think its great how you look for the positive things in life. Keep on doing what your doing. I mean I've had a few bad days where one Caddeoke made the day 10x better.

    Keep it up and keep things happy

    1. Thanks a lot! I'm glad those help even. They are fun to do.
