Friday, March 21, 2014

The Day I Met Affiance

I've been pretty damn lucky in that I have had the opportunity to meet some amazing bands, most of which I look up to as influences in my life and music. 

Yesterday I had the opportunity to spend an hour in studio with Affiance who had been in SA for a day ahead of their South African Tour. 
Seldom do bands have the time to sit and chat to people, but the organisers of this tour did well in giving the band some hang time.
They were at Audio Militia's studios recording a special something. Let's just say it sounds fat, and you'll love it. At the risk of sounding massively cliche, the guys were really grounded. They were more excited that they were in Africa and that people were amped to see them than anything else. This made me happy. They also seemed surprised that we have avo on our pizza here... You'd think that being from America they would have seen it all.

Tracking Bass

What also made me happy was how much they loved the biltong I brought around. Although people think Sloane Meat Market makes the best biltong on Joburg (which was the biltong I had), I have to disagree. Impala Butchery makes the best biltong, and I will fight you on that.

Lekker Ous
Pic: Chris Preyser

Needless to say I'm fucking excited t be paying a show with them. I'm also excited that we'l be playing just before Van Coke Kartel. I just am. 
I hope to see some familiar faces there!

Obligatory "Proof It Happened" Selfie.
Dennis Tvrdik (vox) - Left
Patrick Galante (drums) - Right
Me (winning) - Middle

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